Meet the AI Mayor

Immersive theatre to experience the dilemma of autonomous decision making.



How would an AI mayor govern the city?

In the future city of Amsterdam, the AI Mayor decides everything based on the massive data gathered from the city. However, today he is stuck with a choice. Which group of citizens he should favour — the elderly or the young? The calculated profit for the city is the same for both outcomes. The confused AI Mayor asks the citizens in the room for an "ethical input"...

AIの倫理における「トロッコ問題」と向き合うイマーシブシアター。未来のアムステルダムでは、AI市長が都市から収集した大量のデータに基づいて全てを決定しています。しかし、どうも市長が今日は意思決定に困っている様子です。どの市民グループを次の政策で優先すべきなのか、老人か若者か? 市長の計算上はどちらのグループも均等に利益を得るべきで決め手にかけるとのことでした。困ったAI市長は、市長室に集まった市民に「人間らしい倫理的な意見」を求め始めます...。

Whose values should autonomous decision making systems consider important?

In the field of AI, there is a growing awareness of the ethical implications of autonomous decision making. In a kind of conundrum – in which there is no quantifiable “right” solution, and different kinds of harm need to be weighed against each other – Whose ethical values should AI consider important? And if it did…would we even know why the AI made the decision? We engage the participants to experience the problem of “Black boxing” and “Trolley problem” through an open dialogue with the AI Mayor.

Project Details

Date » 2017, June - September
Appearance » International Conference DeSForM 2017
Project's Nature » Student Project at TU Delft


Collaboration with  » Martijn Weber, Zoe Vos, Ziyi Zhang
My Role » Programming + Concept Development
Mentor » Roy Bendor